How Much Does It Cost to Bulletproof a Car? Complete Price Guide

Bulletproofing your car can provide added safety and protection, but it can be a costly investment due to several factors. Making a car bulletproof can be ranging from $15,000 to $55,000. This price depends on the size of the car and which parts need to be bulletproofed. Labor costs are also an additional expense to consider.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the importance of bulletproofing a car and the cost considerations involved, so you can make an informed decision about whether this investment is right for you.

Key Points

  • Bulletproofing a car can be a complex and time-consuming process, often involving the installation of specialized materials and components.
  • While the cost of bulletproofing a car can be high, many people consider it to be a worthwhile investment in their safety and peace of mind.
  • The decision to bulletproof a car should be made after considering factors such as the level of protection needed, the type of materials used, and more.

Why Should I Bulletproof My Car?

Protection against violence and crime: A bulletproof car can provide a level of protection against armed robbery, carjacking, and other violent crimes.

Safety during travel in high-risk areas: In certain parts of the world, traveling in a bulletproof car can be necessary for personal safety. This is especially true for politicians, celebrities, and business executives who may be at a higher risk of being targeted.

Peace of mind: Knowing that you and your loved ones are protected while traveling in a bulletproof car can provide a sense of peace of mind.

Increased resale value: Bulletproofing a car can increase its resale value, as it is a specialized service that not many vehicles have.

Is It Cheaper to Bulletproof a Car or Buy a Bulletproof Car?

Before deciding whether to bulletproof a car or buy a bulletproof car, there are several things you should consider.

Costs of Bulletproofing a Car

The cost of bulletproofing a car can vary widely depending on the type of car, level of protection, and materials used. On average, the cost of bulletproofing a car can range from $15,000 to $100,000 or more. 

This can include the cost of bulletproof glass, reinforced doors and frames, armored plating for the undercarriage, and other safety features.

Costs of Buying a Bulletproof Car

Buying a bulletproof car outright can be an expensive proposition, with prices starting at around $150,000 and reaching as high as $500,000 or more for high-end models. 

However, buying a bulletproof car means that the car is designed and built from the ground up with bulletproofing in mind, which can provide a higher level of protection than retrofitting an existing car.

Factors to Consider

  • If you require a high level of protection, it may be more cost-effective to buy a bulletproof car that is specifically designed for this purpose.
  • Some cars may be more difficult or expensive to retrofit with bulletproofing materials, while others may already have some level of protection built in.
  • Some people may prefer to maintain the original appearance and performance of their car, while others may not mind the added weight and reduced performance that can come with bulletproofing.

Factors that Affect the Cost of Bulletproofing a Car

Types of materials used in bulletproofing: Some common materials used include ballistic glass, Kevlar, and armored steel. The cost of these materials can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per square foot.

Level of protection required: If you’re a high-profile individual, you may require a higher level of protection than someone who is simply concerned about personal safety. The higher the level of protection required, the more expensive the bulletproofing process will be.

Size and model of the vehicle: Larger vehicles will require more materials and labor, which can increase the cost. Similarly, luxury or high-end models may require specialized equipment and additional customization, which can also add to the cost.

Location and availability of services: If you live in a remote area, you may have to pay more for transportation and installation services. Similarly, if there are limited providers in your area, you may have to pay more for their services.

Additional features and customization options: You may want to add run-flat tires, which can increase the cost by several thousand dollars. Or you may want to add custom paint or other design elements, which can also add to the overall cost.


For a mid-sized sedan, the cost of bulletproofing can range from $40,000 to $80,000 depending on the level of protection required and the materials used. A luxury SUV, on the other hand, can cost upwards of $100,000 to $150,000 to bulletproof.

Types of Bulletproofing Materials

Ballistic Glass: This is a specialized type of glass that is designed to resist bullets and other ballistic threats. It is made by laminating multiple layers of glass and polycarbonate material. 

Ballistic glass is typically more expensive than regular glass, but it provides excellent protection against bullets and other ballistic threats. The cost of ballistic glass can range from $200 to $1000 per square foot.

Kevlar: Kevlar is a synthetic material that is used in a variety of applications, including bulletproof vests and car armor. It is strong, lightweight, and flexible, making it an excellent choice for bulletproofing. 

However, it is not as effective as ballistic glass in stopping bullets. The cost of Kevlar can range from $20 to $40 per square foot.

Armored Steel: Armored steel is a type of steel that is reinforced with additional layers of steel or other materials. It is extremely strong and can provide excellent protection against ballistic threats. 

However, it is heavy and can add significant weight to the vehicle. The cost of armored steel can range from $100 to $500 per square foot.

Ceramic Plates: Ceramic plates are another type of material used in bulletproofing. They are made by firing ceramic materials at high temperatures, creating a hard, durable surface that can resist bullets and other ballistic threats. 

Ceramic plates are typically used in conjunction with other materials, such as Kevlar or armored steel. The cost of ceramic plates can range from $150 to $500 per plate.

Pros and Cons of Each Material Type

Material TypeProsConsAverage Price
Ballistic GlassProvides excellent protection against ballistic threats, is transparent, and can be used in windows.Provides excellent protection against ballistic threats, is transparent and can be used in windows.$200 to $1000 per square foot
KevlarLightweight and flexible, can be used in a variety of applications.Expensive, heavy, and difficult to install.$20 to $40 per square foot
Armored SteelExtremely strong and durable, provides excellent protection.Not as effective as ballistic glass, and can deteriorate over time.$100 to $500 per square foot
Ceramic PlatesExtremely hard and durable, can be used in conjunction with other materials for added protection.Heavy and can add significant weight to the vehicle, and may require modifications to the vehicle’s suspension system.$150 to $500 per plate

Levels of Bulletproofing Protection

Level 1: This level of protection is designed to stop low-powered handgun rounds, such as a .22 or a .38. 

This level of protection is usually achieved with the use of bullet-resistant glass and can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $5,000.

Level 2: This level of protection is designed to stop higher-powered handgun rounds, such as a .357 Magnum or a 9mm. 

This level of protection may require the use of thicker glass, as well as additional layers of material. The cost for this level of protection can range from $5,000 to $10,000.

Level 3: This level of protection is designed to stop high-powered rifle rounds, such as a .223 or a 7.62 NATO. 

This level of protection may require the use of ballistic steel or composite materials in addition to bullet-resistant glass. The cost for this level of protection can range from $10,000 to $15,000.

Level 4: This level of protection is designed to stop armor-piercing rounds, such as a .30-06 AP or a 7.62x51mm AP. 

This level of protection may require the use of specialized materials such as ceramic or titanium in addition to bullet-resistant glass and ballistic steel. The cost for this level of protection can range from $15,000 to $25,000 or more.

Bulletproofing a Car Cost By Car Type

Car ModelPrice Range
Mercedes-Benz S-Class$45,000 – $50,000
BMW 7 Series$40,000 – $45,000
Cadillac Escalade$35,000 – $40,000
Toyota Land Cruiser$30,000 – $35,000
Ford F-150$25,000 – $30,000

The cost of bulletproofing specific car parts

Car PartAverage Cost Range
Bulletproof windows$3,000 – $5,000 per window
Bulletproof tires$2,500 – $5,000 per set
Bulletproof doors$10,000 – $15,000 per set
Bulletproof floors$10,000 – $12,000
Bulletproof engine$20,000 – $25,000


Bulletproofing a car can provide a sense of security and protection in potentially dangerous situations. 

If you are considering bulletproofing your car, it is recommended to seek out professional consultation to receive personalized estimates and to ensure that the bulletproofing is done properly and safely. 

With the right preparation and information, bulletproofing your car can be a worthwhile investment in your safety and peace of mind.


Can you make any car bulletproof?

Yes, it is possible to bulletproof any car. However, the cost and complexity of the process may vary depending on the specific make and model of the car.

How much does it cost to install bulletproof glass in a car?

The cost of installing bulletproof glass in a car can vary depending on the size and model of the vehicle, the level of protection required, and the type of glass used. On average, the cost of bulletproof glass installation can range from $3,000 to $15,000 or more.

How long does it take to bulletproof a car?

The time it takes to bulletproof a car can vary depending on the specific make and model of the car, as well as the level of protection required and the materials used. Generally, the process can take several weeks to several months.